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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Sony Xperia Z is facing over-heating issue on Android 4.3

We all know that the Japanese OEM Sony is currently on a track of updating its flagships to the latest Android versions, but still the Xperia lineup is waiting for the KitKat treatment. Sony has already pushed the Android 4.3 JellyBean update to the Xperia lineup, but it looks like that the users of the Sony Xperia Z are not happy after being upgraded to the Android 4.3 JellyBean.

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Many users of the Sony Xperia Z are reporting that the phone is facing over-heating issues after upgrading to the Android 4.3 JellyBean. The phone gets over-heated while playing games, watching videos and if many background processes are running, as reported by the users of the Sony Xperia Z. We have also examined this issue in our lab and we found that the Android 4.3 JellyBean also brings the over-heating issue along with other features.

Sony Xperia Z is facing over-heating issue on Android 4.3

If anyone of you are also facing this type of issue with your Sony Xperia Z, kindly let us know via your valuable comments, so that, the Japanese manufacturer will take some action against this annoying issue but we are expecting that this issue will be removed when we guys gets the KitKat treatment.

So, stay connected with the AndroidSaS to get the best on it.

Thanks everyone for your TIPS !!
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  1. Even if this article is regarding to Xperia Z, I can confirm this issue on my Xperia Z1 too after updating to 4.3.
    4.2 didn't have this problem.

  2. Overheating has always been a problem on the Z. ..
    I want me a full inbox without loading ... to read all my mails (even older) instantly ... NOT CHARGING FOR MY OLD MAILS .... Thanks!! .....

  3. Thought the overheating was just because of my games. but now i was just reading some web articles and my phone is overheating..

  4. I never have overheating problem with my Z before but after upgrading to 4.3 it constantly heat up
    And quick battery drain as well

  5. My Xperia T has the same problem since the latest update making it unusable at times. Come on Sony this is not good enough!

  6. Never had an overheating problem until right after the update and now it overheats constatntly.

  7. I can also confirm this on an Xperia T updated over the air to 4.3... Not very impressed.

  8. Xperia z over heating camera area and front also plz help

  9. Xperia z over heat camera area and front also plz help

  10. Wats the solution... What should I do now.... Also facing over heating problem near camera... Any solution?

  11. My Z1 is experiencing overheating issues while charging, rapid battery discharge, wallpaper distorts, audio plays from internal speaker instead of external speaker. All these problems are due to the kitkat update because I didn't have these problems on the jellybean os.

    1. Bro install the kitkat once again. perform factory reset. Hold the power button and volume up button for 10 sec. the three strong vibrations occur. then switch on the phone and remove the sd card. Worked for me and many users to solved the bugs of kitkat

    2. Bro I got the same problem after kitkat update. You need to reinstall the firmware. Perform factory reset. Hold the power and volume up key for 10 secs three strong vibration occurs and phone shuts down. Then you need to restart the phone after 20 secs and remove the memory card. worked for me and many users.

  12. even my xperia ZL is heating a lot....while playing games evens for 5 min....or watching videos for 10 min...the heating starts.....please help

  13. Even my Xperia ZL is heating a lot,.....even if i play games or watch videos for 10 min ,it heats a lot.......plz help.....

  14. not only playing games. make or received phone call also caused overheat. battery doesn't even last for 10 hours after upgrade to android 4.3

  15. I have the same problem with my ZL, i have a lot of trouble running games or generally using my phone for more than 5 minutes without it overheating. It either crashes apps, restarts the phone entirely, or recently...it opens random multiple app before crashing. Really can't wait for a fix...

  16. I also have the same experience of overheating with xperia Z. I thought it's my phone have some issues, was supposed to give for a warranty service. I used a powerbank to change the phone, and used it while charging it go on for a few days. And I noticed my phone is overheating. The temperature goes from 27 digre Celsius to 41 digress in 10 to 15 minutes specialy while using 3g.

  17. Is there any way to downgrade to jellybean 4.2, if 4.3 is the real villain to cause the overheating problem this is the best way to solve it for now, and wait for the Kitkat... :)

  18. The battery for Xperia Z is draining up in less than 2 hours of continuous use. No matter what you do, play games, surfing on the internet, if the screen is on (I used brightness less than 25%) the battery drains up faster than it will chare.... :-(

  19. Same problem phone becomes an iron box u can iron clothes. Pls help I bought a phone not an iron box

  20. Same problem phone becomes an iron box u can iron clothes. Pls help I bought a phone not an iron box

  21. Xperia m over heat camera area and front also plz help

  22. I just bought the Xperia Z yesterday and i noticed that the phone getting heated up near the camera area...Wat can I do?? Pls help me..I spent so much for it....Very Disappointed!!!

  23. I bought a new xperia z yesterday and Iam facing the heat problem near the camera areas, I have spent more on this phone since I liked it a lot..Pls help me..very disappointed...

  24. All we can do is just wait !! Sony should look into this matter.

  25. My xperia z heats up. Around camera area in 5 min of game play, gps use and evn on long calls...I hv bought it jst couple of weeks ago and i m vry disappointed

  26. My phone gets overheated. At about 54 'c.. And the service center guys.. Says its a normal heating with z1. How can it be possible. I recorded the video message of the sony service center guy. Who is just fooling me. And if they wont listen again. I m going to upload his video. With all excuses online..That how they treat costumer in delhi india..

  27. Yes after I have updated some apps on 4.3.. I m also facing this heating problem

  28. My phone has been overheating for the past few days..I havenot done the update however. Its only shut off once by itself. But today I was not able to receive any phone calls, didn't know it so my husband got home. Can't even keep the protective case on the phone because it just makes it hotter. Huge problem as I take all my yoga classes and my meditations from my phone

  29. I'm very disappointed in using android 4.3 on my Xperia Z.
    I even did factory reset, but that's not a solution. I wasted my time to restore all the apps & data. I regret upgrade my android version. All of my running application become so slow, my phone overheating & the battery drained faster than it's charged. I completely hate this problem!!!!!

  30. had the phone for two days I honestly think the phone will not last the week with the heat problem

  31. Same here.. After the 4.3 update, my xperia z started to overheat, which drains the battery within a couple of hours!!! this happens even the phone is simply in stand-by mode. very annoying ((((

  32. Same here!!! After the 4.3 update, my Xperia Z started to overheat badly, and this drains the battery in a matter of 2-3 hours, even in a stand-by mode. Very annoying (((

  33. I hqve a Xperia Z (c6603). Ever since the jellybeans upgrade, my phone has been overheating and battery drains too fast. I found out that the Google services uses up to 47% of my battery even after the Location Services are switched off. I love Sony and it phones and hqve been an ardent supporter. But this upgrade is making me think twice. I seriously hope Sony will do something about it.

  34. my xperia Z was perfectly fine, even after the 4.3 update, until this morning T_T
    the phone is heating up to an extreme temperature, even not running anything, especially after it was charged. It gets slightly a bit better after restart the phone.

  35. My Xperia Z was perfectly fine, even after the 4.3 update, until this morning T_T
    The phone heat up extremely, the battery drains in a couple of hours, without doing anything. It gets slightly better after restart the phone.

  36. Same problem for me..after updating to 4.3 it starts to overheat while playing or listening to music.. and battery life also has decresed..too bad for a phone of a good reputation.. :((

  37. I am also experiencing the exact same issue. It began with update to 4.3 and continue with 4.4.2 so hope they come up with a fix...

  38. I am also experiencing the exact same issue. It began with update to 4.3 and continue with 4.4.2 so hope they come up with a fix...

  39. This upgrade has made the phone so slow it's a pain to use hurry up with update

  40. My xperia Z is heating up much more after updating to 4.4.2 I did not have issues before.

  41. My xperia Z has the same overheating issue. Battery now drains very quickly and even with the charger plugged in, I get a message that my charge rate is not enough. Very disappointing.

  42. I have just updated to the latest software for my Sony xperia z, no issues before update, now overheats terribly to the point I can't hold it.... Nightmare

  43. Sony xperia z overheating since update

  44. I just bought Z, 2 days back and experiencing heating problem. Will Sony take back the phone?

  45. I purchased Z 2 days back and am facing heating issues. Will Sony replace my phone, it being in warranty?

  46. 4.4.2 not solved overheat, also did not come back always from the unlock... Such a pain la in the ass.

  47. 4.4.2 did not solved the overheat, at unlocking the Phone do not come back...Such a pain in the ass.

  48. My Xperia Z is overheating on standby, and battery drains super fast!
    i have 4.3 version!

    1. experiencing the same problem.. Hating my phone now..

  49. My Xperia Z is overheating even when on standby!
    I have 4.3 version!
    Help! Please HELP!

  50. XPERIA Z Suddenly in the last few days is heating up when it is just idling and not doing anything.Also the battery is almost flat after half a day of doing nothing.Really not good enough Sony....SORT THIS PROBLEM !!!!

  51. my phone heats up while just browsing and using whatsapp :-(

  52. Over Heating problem occurred not while playing games only in xperia z but also when 3g Internet navigation and sometimes when you talking for more than 15 min. One more problem in xperia z when you operate in 3g and then entered in a known WiFi area and then back again to 3g sometimes you have to make a reboot for the device

  53. My xperia z overheating while watching videos.and browsing then shutting down ......pls help .

  54. My xperia z is overheating while browsing .. Then shutting down because of overheating plss help

  55. My xperia z over heating while browsing .. And shutting down because of overheating plss hell

  56. Terrible battery drain and phone has gotten slower. Phone does not last a day now and I have to charge it twice to three times a day compared just being once a day prior to the update. Terrible update from Sony. Do something about it!

  57. Battery drain is ridiculous, prior to the update I used to charge the phone just once a day, now it has gone to two to three times a day. It does not last till 14:00 from taking off charge at 07:30 in the morning. I used to get excellent battery life prior to this update. Phone has also gone a bit slower.

    1. Just got the same problem after my update,
      Before it was fine, then all my roaming connection dropped off completely, I took the update, now EVERYTHING is screwed. The battery gets rinsed of power, it overheats and then chooses to continually turn itself off and on again till its dead.
      Whoever sanctioned the update for release should get fucked by a donkey with thorns on its knob!

  58. Yes i am also facing the overheat problem after upgrade to 4.3

  59. Xperia Z also getting very hot - never happened before the latest update. Also, my battery is now draining in less than a day, and that never happened pre-update. Not impressed Sony!

  60. Xperia Z also overheating since the update. The battery is now draining in less than a day post-update. Not impressed Sony!

  61. On my new Z2 ,Just tryied Social live app , streamed for exactly 3minutes ... then it stop and saved video - with warning camera overheating lol

  62. The back of my phone has actually started to melt and the dot next to the camera actually has a burn hole!! Was pretty shocked and worried by this!

  63. I also face the same problem, this things very annoying to me....

  64. Left my phone in my bag at work for 3 hours and even with no apps running it was hot when I took it out of my bag. Plus the battery drains really quickly now.

  65. I frequently, suddenly notice that my Xperia Z is getting hot in my pocket (when obviously not in use), forcing me to take it out or turn it off. And the battery life is shot now; not getting through even one day with minimal use. I used to have 40-50% battery left at the end of each day.

  66. My wife and I both have the Xperia Z phones. As all of you have mentioned both were working fine and now after the 4.3 update the phones both heat terrible and freeze up when running apps such as Candy Crush. I have taken most of you suggestions and performed a soft reset holding the power and volume up for 10 secs. I did this on both phones and also a forumn said to go into devleper mode and change to no background processes. It seems I have tried all things that I have read and nothing fixes the issue of overheat and battery drain. At a full charge overnight 100% the battery usage will only say I have 2 hours of remaining battery life. We called T-Mobile and they offered an exchange of the phones. Another T-mobile said to do a factory reset and gave me the tech number for Sony . they say to reload the OS however not one of them even thought they admitted the problem can guarantee that doing this will correct the problem. Therefore we are suppose to receive a call from customer care and we will see what they have to say. VERY FLUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. Same here- Phone was working perfectly until the latest update. Now it overheats and the battery capacity has been reduced drastically.

  68. mine is now overheating and the battery is draining quickly following the update, it used to last ages and now it needs charging daily even when i am not using it much. Hopefully the ext update will solve the problem as my ear gets very hot when making calls!

  69. I use xperia z. I face the same problem of overheating after the upgrade to 4.3 it also causes a quick drainage of battery due to overheating. My phone was in pocket for almost 3 hours on silent mode. And after 3 hours, my phone's battery had drained from 90% to almost 50%. Eagerly waiting for the kitkat upgrade. Hope it solves this problem.

  70. After the upgrade to 4.3, my xperia z lags a lot while playing games like temple run 2, subway surf, candy crush, etc.

  71. Updated Z to Kitkat and now draining battery but without overheating!
    Even with Super saving mode in the night it goes from 100% to 50% in 7 hours!

  72. I have bought the Sony Xperia Z three months back. I am really disappointed. While i am making calls, playing games, it getting heated up to more than 40deg i guess...someone please give me a solution for this problem.Spent a lot for this.

  73. Two months back . i have bought this Xperia Z model. And i am very disappointed now. While i am making calls or playing games, or surfing , the mobile getting heated up more than 40 degrees i guess. Could anyone please give me a solution for this problem. spentt a lot!!!

  74. Very disconcerting when your small child is playing with your phone and it gets so hot that they can't play with it, or you sleep with your phone under your pillow and it's near the temperature of a boiling kettle! Extremely disappointed, going back to apple!!

  75. over heats and battery drains so quickly since upgrading to 4.3

  76. hi guys, Any of you found the solution to this over heating and battery drain problems? please share

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I've turned of location services and auto sync restarted and seems to be cooler now let me know if works for you!

  79. Ive had my Xperia Z for nearly 6 months now and it gets super hot while watching videos, charging and playing games. While charging it, it comes up with a messagw saying that the battery is draining more than it is charging and this morning I wkke up to it not charging at all!

  80. Best solution I've found is put battery 🔋 stamina on!

  81. Check your battery usage, if there is a google service, and check its % battery drain . If it's draining much, uninstall it and reinstall. And about the phone heating problem while playing games or watching videos, I believe it's a common problem which all phones would face.

  82. All I can say is it's the same for me. I have to turn off wifi and data in order for it to function without overheating, but then there's no point in it being called a phone.

  83. I want my money back if possible. Bought a Sony Xperia z less than a week. Updated to kitKat, problem still not solve... Is always overheat.

  84. Just got my xperia z today and installed all the system updates. Decided to play around with the different camera setting and the heat was unbelievable. I wasnt even using the camera for long!

  85. same problem here. stupid sony dumb ass

  86. Xperia ZR is getting heated up while using Camera, performing multitasking, or even during calls.. why, the phone unreasonably gets heated up even while charging, that too in winter season and imagine what may happen during summer (hopefully it doesn't end up in flames). This shows the quality of product. I recommend that Sony identify this glitch, come up with a solution and provide a fix for this for all affected customers thru Sony authorized service centers.

  87. Upgraded my Sony Z today(July 3) to Android 4.3 today. Now I can use my phone to iron my shirts, as my phone gets so hot and drains the battery. Looked up a couple cures to the problem and I will see if they cure the problem.

  88. I'm also facing same issue over heating with my Sony Xperia Z. Need Help.

  89. Sony is screwing us over I think, since my upgrade my phone has gone backwards, it's slower, screen freezing, can't watch video clips on Facebook anymore, I've already contacted them about it and they've done nothing, really angry, I think they're doing it on purpose so that we'll buy one of their new phones just released,? well if it's not sorted soon I'm going to Samsung, :@

  90. Sony is screwing us over I think, since my upgrade my phone has gone backwards, it's slower, screen freezing, can't watch video clips on Facebook anymore, I've already contacted them about it and they've done nothing, really angry, I think they're doing it on purpose so that we'll buy one of their new phones just released,? well if it's not sorted soon I'm going to Samsung, :@

  91. I am also facing same issue of overheating. It heats a lot even in standby mode.

  92. yes, now this new update has screwed my mobile totally....it hangs a lot now, overheates more,screen becoms black, apps have started to crash.....etc.....i am very angry on sony now

  93. z1s came with this firmware i noticed after getting my replacement that this phone is over heating causing all my problems but sadly they support the z1 and the z. but when it comes to the z1s im screwed. i guess i will have to call tmobile again and get another phone. the 2 phones i replaced yesterday was newer than the phones tmobile sent me. also was scratched to hell and the t mobile lady couldnt beleive how bad the screen was when she was putting my screen protector on it. will be stuck on 4.3 for the life of this phone.

  94. I just use my Xperia 2 weeks ago and then it just keep switch off by its own and I cannot restart it. Worst case is that I must let it off for a whole day. 2 days ago I go to Xperia service center and just upgrade for 4.4.4. Still it keeps shutting down due to high temperature eventhough in stand by mode. VERY DISSAPOINTED at Sony !!!!!!

  95. Omg I thought I was the only one having trouble with my phone but looking on here it seems I'm not the only one, phone over heats when I'm making a call and battery drains within a couple of hours, something needs to be done, I'm fedup

  96. Omg I am fedup, my phone goes from 100% - 18% in about 7 hours and I'm not even using it because I'm asleep, this is pants, the phone get so hot when I take a call that it feels like it going to burn my ear, this is not right, what is wrong with it?

  97. Help!my xperia z overheat and the scene show charging but my phone not charging and the scene show not charging and need minimize.and now my z shotdown I cant turn it in but if you look the phone you will see the red light of chrging display.what shall I do now? Tnx

  98. Sony Xperia zl here.. after update to 4.3 it's unusable... Crashes, restarts and is very hot on the back

  99. My xperia over heated and my battery was destroyed. In the process of replacing it. Took an early upgrade and bought the G3. Hope they fix this.

  100. Phone insanely heats up and i struggle to charge it once it has gone off and when it decides to charge it doesn't go beyond 50% and then it would be off again because the battery drains so fast,and it has become my daily bread...please fix this

  101. Yep, after i updated my phone, same thing, it started heating up like crazy, and now after I use the camera, it will shut the phone right off and will only get past the sony window and will shut off again, sometimes it will let me get to the password sign in, but then will shut off again right after typing it in. The only way to use it normally is to have it plugged into the charger. Very annoying!

  102. I have bought my mobile 6 months back but its not that worth...it heats a lot while I use my phone and consumes battery a lot...please suggest me some solution I have paid a lot for this..

  103. I also can confirm that xperia z phone is over heating while playing videos and games and also while connecting to the internet after updating to 4.3 JellyBean .

  104. It keeps overheating whenever I do something.Like when I just on my wifi. Plus it makes my battery go down quickly.I charge twice a day!It's so annoying to have ur battery to half the bar after 3 hours.

  105. I have returned 3 phones already and they still wont listen. This phone is defective. They need to fix this issue if they wanna stick around longer. Im going back today to exchange it but this time Im gonna get a different phone. DONE!!!

  106. I have this issue as well and also does this when I charge my phone. I am really not happy.

  107. I'm using xperia 2 just 2 months and now i'm facing the same problem as the others. I paid a very huge amount for it. I choose sony because I always love sony. I always thought sony is always the best. Now i feel very disappointed for the overheating problem. It is still under guarantee. What should i do with it? Its very annoying. Pls help me, SONY. Or should I get another brand.

  108. I'm using the xperia z, and it has been hanging after playing game and I got a message try to tune off the game to check on my message but the phone hanged for almost a day now, what can I do about this please. I need help now please.

  109. I'm using the xperia z, and it has been hanging after playing game and I got a message try to tune off the game to check on my message but the phone hanged for almost a day now, what can I do about this please. I need help now please.

  110. Yes, i'm also experiencing the same with mine, especially when i'm taking photos with it, it heats badly

  111. I'm experiencing this problem since it was updated....over heating and my battery go down very quickly

  112. I'm experiencing this problem .

  113. i'm facing the same problem. my z1 compact keeps shutting down due to high temperature after upgrade to 4.4.4

  114. Yup same with me and today my SD Card stopped being read, seems it "burnt out" ... its 3 weeks old.


Item Reviewed: Sony Xperia Z is facing over-heating issue on Android 4.3 Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown