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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 finger print scanning technology failed

It's been a while now that Galaxy S5 is out in the market but just after its launch the SR Lab has posted a video about the failure of its finger print scanner. This technology can easily be fooled by fake digits. Earlier, this fake digit trick was used against iPhone 5s which also proved to be the best to break this security.

SR Lab further added that this technology is less secure than that of iPhone 5s because it doesn't require any pass code to enter. 

That sums up the technology failure. If we take iPhone 5s, it GS5 vulnerability requires skills, abilities, resources and proper amount of time to create fake finger. PayPal told that it's easy to block any unwanted payment. Hence SR Labs proved that a biometric security isn't a best solution and therefore any intruder can get to your data and can harm your data. 

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