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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Android University - Learn Everything

We have caught many peoples get confused while playing with their Android phones like rooting,get back to stock,installing custom ROMs and all the things included in an Android development.So we decided to start something which gives aid to those peoples who are new to Android/Android development and we started something like this and we named it Android University.

So maybe a question is rising on your minds that what will be provides in Android University and we are always here to answer all of your questions.In Android University you will get everything regarding Android development from the very start/initial level like (what are kernels? what is boot loaders? Etc etc.) and almost everything which seems important for newbies.

In Android University we peoples are your teachers and you peoples are our students but we will never give you punishment for anything wrong that you have done with your Android phone (HAHA) :) but we will teach you more better to make your skills better over an Android phone/developing and you can ask us everything about Android Phone or Android development like if you want to root your phone you can ask us,if you want to install custom rom/mods you can ask us,if you want to know which custom rom is much better and stable for your Android phone you can ask us,wanna get back to stock just knock us or get stuck in boot loop,everything will be answerable in the Android University with brief explanations and full step-by-step guide.

We are really working hard for this project and want all the Android users to join this university as soon as possible and give us the chance to serve all the Android users of this university.

We will shortly start giving tutorials and articles, in a meanwhile you can personally ask us everything about Android and we will assist you personally or you can post your questions in the comments section or in the cbox.

Note :

We (AndroidSaS) is not responsible for any loss/damage you have done to your device,so do anything at your own risk.
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Item Reviewed: Android University - Learn Everything Description: android development,rooting,custom roms,android university Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown
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